W1: Energy Policy - How to achieve European energy integration

Major European energy companies have called for the urgent need to tackle the “perilous situation facing the European energy sector” and implement appropriate policy actions to address the seriousness of the current challenges facing the sector. They argue that the current lack of visibility on energy policies, coupled with ongoing regulatory uncertainty will ultimately lead to an absence of investment into the energy sector and negatively impact security of supply.

At the same time, the EU has outlined its 2030 framework for climate and energy policies and its 2050 road map which seek to drive continued progress towards a low carbon economy. Through these policy steps, the EU aims to build a competitive and secure energy system that ensures affordable energy for all consumers, increases the security of the EU’s energy supplies, reduces our dependence on energy imports and creates new opportunities for growth and jobs.

So at least on paper, there is consensus. But it’s not that straightforward.

This session will examine the changes at EU level, which are needed in order to meet these targets. How can we achieve integration of the European energy markets, energy mix and facilitate better coordination between member states? What changes are needed in relation to market design and carbon markets? What knock on impact may this have on the price of energy, security of supply and R&D in promising technologies for example?

Deloitte will also discuss the findings of its pan-European comparative study of the status of electricity market reform and outline its recommendations for the pathway to European energy integration.

Chair: Veronique Laurent, Partner and European Power Leader, Deloitte, Slides


  • Joost van Roost, President of ExxonMobil Benelux, Slides
  • Federico Tarantini, DG ENERGY, Directorate Energy Policy
  • Vera Brenzel, Head of EU Representative Office, E.ON AG, Slides
  • Sami Andoura, European Energy Policy Chair, College of Europe & Senior Research Fellow, Notre Europe - Jacques Delors Institute


W2: Digital Economy - How to fulfil the potential of the digital economy in Europe

Communications technology is evolving rapidly bringing an ever-growing range of products and services to customers. Electronic communications networks and the digital services provided over them are becoming increasingly embedded into people’s lives. Services that were recently considered as luxuries are quickly becoming an essential part of living and working.

This is creating a wide range of policy and regulatory challenges for national and European institutions. The regulatory agenda has to evolve quickly to be consistent with the rapid changes in technology and the marketplace. The agenda is also expanding beyond the traditional confines of the telecommunications industry, and driving change in other policy areas such as trade, copyright, intellectual property, tax, privacy and security. The Digital Agenda is therefore a high priority within Europe, not least with the Juncker Commission.

The session will focus on the policy and regulatory priorities for the digital services market. It will cover both the infrastructure, technology and the services segments of the market and will particularly consider what needs to be done to support the growth of the businesses market. What are the critical regulatory obstacles facing the market as a whole? What do we mean by a digital single market and what are the critical reforms that are needed to achieve it? The session will go beyond the traditional concentration on regulating networks and focus on how public policy can support the digital ecosystem as a whole. It will consider the balance of regulation between traditional network businesses, technology providers and new entrants in the market who provide services “over the top”.

Chair: Mark Williams, Partner, Corporate Finance, Economic Consulting, Deloitte


  • Juhan Lepassaar, Head of Cabinet, Cabinet of Vice President Ansip, Digital Single Market
  • Stephen Collins, Vice President Corporate Affairs, Microsoft EMEA
  • Markus Reinisch, Group Public Policy Director, Global, Vodafone
  • Simon Hampton, Director, Technology Policy Advocates


W3: Transatlantic Trade - How to reach mutually beneficial EU/U.S. regulatory convergence

Transatlantic trade negotiations constitute a very complex dossier requiring high-level political decisions on a multitude of diverse and extremely technical matters which are likely to impact every industry and affect investors’ rights.

Differently from any previous trade agreement, the principal aim of TTIP is not to dismantle border restrictions such as tariffs and quotas. Rather, it seeks regulatory convergence. Harmonization and mutual recognition of regulations and standards can lead to a substantial cut in red tape and consequently it can have a significant impact on production and marketing costs.

The main challenge for EU negotiators will probably be to strike a balance between safeguarding consumers and facilitating access in new markets for EU enterprises. Many questions in this respect are relevant for both business and public opinion. Will regulatory convergence result in increased exports, growth and jobs? Who is more likely to benefit from it? Will SMEs and less-prosperous regions be affected negatively?

The transatlantic partnership will also include new rules on investor rights. In this case as well, a balance has to be found. The introduction of investor-state dispute resolution aims to encourage investment, without weakening local regulations.

Lastly, there is concern about the impact of TTIP on non-members. Should we expect positive spillovers thanks to the new regulatory framework or will there be substantial trade diversion?
One thing is more likely. If the negotiations are successfully concluded, they will set a new benchmark for international trade agreements and a global reference for international production standards.

Chair: Christiane Cunningham, EMEA Regulatory and Public Policy Partner, Deloitte


  • Denis Redonnet, Head of the Trade Strategy Unit, DG TRADE, European Commission
  • Jacques Pelkmans, Senior Research Fellow, CEPS & Visiting Professor, College of Europe, Slides
  • Hylke Vandenbussche, Professor, KU Leuven
  • Alain Berger, Senior Vice President for European Affairs, ALSTOM
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