Valdis Dombrovskis,
Vice-President, European Commission
Valdis Dombrovskis is Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union. Since 2014, Vice-President Dombrovskis is also Member of the European Parliament. From 2009 to 2014 he was Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia. Before that period, he was Minister of Finance of the Republic of Latvia and Chief economist at the monetary policy department of the Bank of Latvia He has a Professional Master's degree in customs and tax administration, a Master's degree in physics, and Bachelor's degrees in physics and in economics for engineers.
Jörg Monar, Rector, College of
Jörg Monar is Rector of the College of Europe Bruges/Natolin, Warsaw) since September 2013. His previous positions include Director of the Department of Political and Administrative Studies of the College of Europe (2008-2013), Professor of Contemporary European Studies and Co-Director of the Sussex European Institute, University of Sussex (Brighton, UK), Director of the SECURINT Research project on EU internal security governance and Professor at the Robert-Schuman-University (Strasbourg, France) and Professor of Politics and Director of the Centre for European Politics and Institutions Professor of Politics (Leicester, UK). Professor Monar has done advisory/consultancy work for the European Parliament, the European Commission and several European governments (UK, DE, FR, NL). Jörg Monar holds a Doctorate in Modern History from the University of Munich and a Doctorate in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute, Florence. His over 200 publications relate mainly to European Union justice and home affairs and external relations as well as the institutional development of the Union..
Prof. Phedon Nicolaides, Jan Tinbergen Chair for European Economics & Director of the European Economic Studies Department, College of Europe
Phedon A. Nicolaides holds the Jan Tinbergen Chair and is Director of the Department of European Economic Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges. He is also Senior Fellow at Maastricht University. He served as
Minister Plenipotentiary in the Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the private sector as Secretary General of the Cyprus Shipping Council. He was also Advisor to the Cyprus Chief Negotiator during the negotiations of Cyprus for accession to the EU. He has acted as consultant to a number of public authorities in various EU Member States and to international institutions and organisations such as the European Commission, the European Investment Fund, the European Economic and Social Committee, the OECD and the UN. Prof. Nicolaides held academic positions at the London Business School, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (London) and the European Institute of Public Administration (Maastricht) and he holds a PhD in economics and in law.
Prof. Dr. Christian de Boissieu, College of Europe
Christian de Boissieu is Professor of Monetary and Financial Economics
at the University of Paris I (Panthéon – Sorbonne) and he teaches at the
College of Europe (Bruges). Former Consultant to the World Bank, the
European Commission and the European Parliament, he was also economic
adviser to the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry until 2011. He is
honorary President of the French Finance Association. In 2007 – 2008, he
was appointed member of the Attali Commission. In 2009, he was appointed
member of the “Great Loan” Commission. In 2011, he was appointed member
of the French SEC (Autorité des Marchés Financiers AMF) for a five –
year mandate. He is also fellow of the Academy of Technology and of the
Royal Academy of Belgium.
From 2003 to 2012, he has been Chairman of the French Council of
Economic Analysis (Conseil d’Analyse Economique) which advises the Prime
Minister on economic and social issues.
He has published many books and articles in the field of monetary,
banking and financial analysis and economic policy. He is a regular
columnist for newspapers in France and abroad.Professor de Boissieu received his Ph.D in economics in 1973 (University
of Paris). He was post-doctoral fellow at Northwestern University and
Harvard University, and visiting scholar at the University of Minnesota
and at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Washington
D.C).He is also Commander of the “Légion d’honneur” and has been granted
decorations by several foreign countries.
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Jean-Paul Servais, President, L’Autorité des Services et Marchés Financiers (FSMA)
Jean-Paul Servais is the Chairman of the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA). Regarding his current international mandates, he is Vice chairman of IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions), as well as chairman of the IOSCO European Regional Committee, of the Audit Committee of IOSCO-OICV and of the IFRS Monitoring Board of IOSCO-OICV. He is also a board member of several international supervisory bodies for the financial sector: ESMA, ESRB, Euronext College of Regulators and Euroclear College of Regulators. As to ESMA, he is also chairman of the Financial Innovation Standing Committee (FISC).He teaches at ULB (Free University of Brussels) where he is the deputy director of its special Master in Tax Law and Professor at the LL.M. in International Business Law. Author or co-author of numerous contribution in particular in areas of relevance to the FSMA's activities and the academic and scientific activities undertaken at the ULB.Concerning his degrees, he obtains a Master of Law (Maîtrise en droit) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and a Master of Economics in Business Management (Master in de economie, bedrijfskunde) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
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Linette Field, Deputy Director General, DG Micro-Prudential Supervision III, European Central Bank
Linette Field started her career in banking supervision in 1995 at the Bank of England. She moved to the UK Financial Services Authority in 1998, where she worked in policy roles, including as Secretary to the Groupe de Contact of EEA banking supervisors. From 2002 to 2014, she worked at Banco de España, where she headed the International co-ordination and advice division in the banking supervision and banking regulation directorates from 2008 until joining the ECB in 2014. DGMSIII is part of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), the system for banking supervision in Europe which started its operations in November 2014 and which comprises the ECB and the national supervisory authorities of the participating countries. DGMSIII is responsible for overseeing the conduct of supervision of the over 3,300 credit institutions which are supervised directly by national supervisory authorities.
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Karel Lannoo, Chief Executice Officer, Centre for European Policy
Karel Lannoo has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Centre for European Policy Studies
in Brussels since 2000. Mr. Lannoo worked at the Ferruzzi group. He is an expert in European monetary policy, banking and financial markets, financial market regulation, European Union business policies and corporate governance. Mr. Lannoo has chaired various working groups at the Centre for European Policy Studies and has taken part in several studies and working groups for Spanish and European organizations (European institutions, the OECD, the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank). He serves as a Director of Centre for European Policy Studies. Mr. Lannoo serves as Director of Lannoo publishing, S.A. and Distrimedia, S.A. He has been a Director of Bolsas y Mercados Españoles SA since June 5, 2006. He has published a prolific amount of articles and reports in European journals and newspapers. Mr. Lannoo is a Degree in Philosophy and an MBA in History from Leuven University (Belgium) and a Master in European Studies from Nancy University (France).
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Aerdt Houben, Director Financial Markets at De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)
Aerdt Houben is Director Financial Markets at DNB and professor ‘Financial Policies, Institutions and Markets’ at the University of Amsterdam. Before this he headed the Financial Stability division (responsible for macroprudential policy), the Supervisory Strategy Department (including during the merger between DNB and the Pensions and Insurance supervisor, PVK), and the Monetary Policy Department (including during the change-over to the euro). He has worked at the IMF, in the Policy Development and Review Department. He is currently a member of the Committee on the Global Financial System and the Markets Committee at the BIS, the Advisory Technical Committee of the European Systemic Risk Board and the Financial Stability Committee of the ECB. He chairs the Macroprudential Policy Group at the ECB and the Instruments Working Group at the ESRB. He has been a member of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the International Organisation of Pension Supervisors and has been active in numerous other policy committees in the context of the IMF, the Eurosystem, the EU’s Economic and Financial Committee and the EU supervisory committee CEIOPS.
David Strachan, Partner, Deloitte
David Strachan is Head of Deloitte’s EMEA Centre for Regulatory
Strategy. He focuses on the impact of regulatory changes - both individual
and in aggregate - on the strategies and business/ operating models of
financial services firms. David joined Deloitte after 12 years at the FSA,
where in his last role, Director of Financial Stability, he worked on the
division of the FSA into the PRA and the FCA.
Jean-Pierre Casey, Head of Investment Solutions, UK and
Luxembourg, PMB, Edmond de Rothschild
Jean-Pierre Casey, Head of Investment Solutions, UK and
Luxembourg, PMB, Edmond de Rothschild. Professor Jean-Pierre Casey
is currently Head of Investment Solutions for the UK and Luxembourg, PMB,
Edmond de Rothschild. Before that he was a Partner at Azure Wealth LLP in
London, a boutique independent investment management firm, where he was
responsible for the advisory and asset management arms of the business.
Jean-Pierre Casey is also Visiting Professor at the College of
Europe since 2010, where he teaches the course "Marches financiers
europeens: structure, fonctionnement et reglementation" (together with
Christophe Moussu). Prior to joining Azure Wealth, he was a Director at
Barclays, in the Wealth and Investment Management division, where he was
Head of Investment Advisory in the International Private Bank in London.
Prior to joining the Investment Advisory team, he was Head of Regulatory
Policy at Barclays Wealth for four years, also having compliance
responsibility for a number of areas within the Product and Investments
function, where he sat on a number of senior product and manager selection
committees.Before moving to London and Barclays in 2007, he was Head of
Research at the European Capital Markets Institute, housed within the
Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels' largest think thank, where
he still maintains Associate Research Fellow status
Barbara Casu, Director, the Centre for Banking Research, Cass Business School
Barbara Casu is the Director of the Centre for Banking Research at Cass Business School, where she is Professor of Banking and Finance. Her main research interest is empirical banking, although several of Barbara’s research project are cross-disciplinary and include aspects of financial regulation, structured finance, accounting and corporate governance. Barbara has published widely and has recently co-edited the Palgrave Handbook of European Banking.
From 2004 to 2007 she was Senior Lecturer in Financial Studies at Bangor Business School
and from 2003 to 2006 she was Lecturer at The University of Reading.
She has a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in economics from the Catholic University del Sacro Cuore and a PhD in economics from the Bangor University of Wales.
Slavka Eley, Head of Unit, Supervisory Convergence, European Banking Authority
Slavka Eley was appointed Head of the Home-Host Coordination Unit in the Oversight Department of the EBA in February 2013. She is responsible for the EBA's work on the efficient functioning of colleges of supervisors, supervisory convergence in supervisory methods and practices, as well as implementation of the new recovery and resolution framework by supervisory and resolution authorities. She chairs different working groups at the EBA, including the Sub-group on Risk Assessment Systems, and the Task Force on Resolution Colleges. Prior to joining the EBA Ms Eley worked for the National Bank of Slovakia where she held a number of roles in supervision and prudential policy, including managing the supervisory team responsible for large credit institutions, models validation and leading the implementation of Basel II Pillar 2 implementation. In 2007 she was appointed as a member of Groupe de Contact in the Committee of European Banking Supervisors, and she has continued as a member of Standing Committee on Oversight and Practices in the EBA
Alan Houmann,
Managing Director,Head of EMEA Government Affairs, City
Alan Houmann is the Managing Director and Head of Citi’s Government Affairs for Europe, Middle East and Africa. He is a member of Citi’s EMEA Operating Committee (OpCo) and is based in London. Alan participates actively in the public policy arena, having served on the Board of TheCityUK. He chairs TheCityUK’s EU Reform and UK Referendum Group, and is a member of the executive board of its International Regulatory Strategy Group (IRSG). Alan also serves on the British Bankers Association’s External Affairs Committee, and chairs its EU policy group. He joined Citi in 2007, from the Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS, which has since been re-established as the EBA, the European Banking Authority). Prior to serving on CEBS, he worked on international banking policy and supervisory cooperation at the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA). He has also served in the European Commission, in the directorate for economic and financial affairs, and in the team leading the introduction of the euro. Alan has been a member of the secretariat of the EU’s Economic and Financial Committee He spent a year with the European Banking Federation (EBF), on secondment from HM Treasury (the UK ministry of finance), where his started his career as an economist. Alan holds masters degrees in international studies and philosophy, from the University of St. Andrews, and in economics from the University of London.ty
Partner, Deloitte
Jonathan Burdett is Partner at Deloitte working in Technology risk management for the insurance and investment management sector. From 1999 to 2015, he was Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers. He studied Politics at the University of Bristol
Maria D'Hulster, Head of Corporate Advisors, London Stoch
Exchange Group
Anna Maria D'Hulster Anna Maria D’Hulster was appointed Secretary General of The Geneva Association in June 2014. Before joining The Geneva Association, she was responsible for the insurance practice at swissQuant Group, a technology company specialising in the development and implementation of mathematical algorithms and software for risk management and big data purposes. From 2002 to 2012, she had different roles with the Baloise Group in Switzerland and Europe. She established and developed the life insurance company Baloise Life of which she became the CEO (2008 to 2012). She was a member of the Executive Committee of the European Insurance Association (CEA/Insurance Europe) and Vice-President of the Liechtenstein Insurance Association from 2009 to 2012. Before her career in the insurance industry, Anna Maria was a Principal at the Boston Consulting Group, leading banking and insurance projects in Germany and the United States. She started her career as a corporate finance analyst with Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank. Anna Maria holds an INSEAD MBA (1993) and a business-engineering degree from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. She is a Belgian citizen. In 2014 Anna Maria was appointed as non-executive Director to the Board of Hardy (Underwriting Agencies) Ltd., London..
Hugh Savill, Director of Regulation, Association of British
Insurers (ABI)
Hugh Savill is Director of Regulation at the ABI, with accountability for relations between the insurance industry and the Bank of England on prudential regulation, for relations with the Financial Conduct Authority on conduct regulation, and also for taxation issues affecting insurers. He sits on the Executive Committee of the ABI, and reports through the Prudential, Finance and Tax Committee to the ABI Board. At the ABI Hugh has held a number of Assistant Director roles, covering EU and international affairs, UK public affairs, and ABI member relations and events. He was temporary Director of Investment Affairs for 18 months before moving into his current role in 2012. Hugh joined the ABI in 2005 from the UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), now the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. In 20 years at the DTI, Hugh worked on the finance and governance of the Department, faced off to the Scott Inquiry into the sale of arms to Iraq, and specialised in the negotiation of EU regulation. Hugh is a well-known insurance lobbyist at European and International level, member of the ECOFIN Committee of Insurance Europe, and chairs the Capital Task Force of the Global Federation of insurance Associations. He was educated at Harrow School, and read Modern Languages at New College, Oxford University. He started his career in the Fine Art Department of Phillips Auction House. In his spare time he keeps bees.
Guy Soussan, Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Guy Soussan is a partner in Steptoe’s Brussels office and has more than 20 years of experience advising clients on EU and international (re)insurance regulatory issues. He advises insurers and reinsurers, captives, and intermediaries on EU regulatory, legal, tax, antitrust, international trade, and compliance issues. In this role, he has assisted leading European and non-European groups in setting up and conducting business in Europe in order for them to benefit from the EU’s Single Market rules in insurance. Mr. Soussan also focuses on prudential supervision of EU and international (re)insurance undertakings under Solvency II. He frequently provides advice on governance, the setting-up of new structures, group supervision, and the treatment of third-country groups under the Solvency II equivalence regime. He maintains close contacts with the European institutions and national supervisory authorities, is a frequent contributor to insurance industry and legal publications, and a regular speaker at international conferences. Prior to joining Steptoe, Mr. Soussan established and led the EU insurance regulatory practice of another leading law firm in Brussels.
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